Extracurricular Activity Eligibility Policy
If a student fails one or more major subjects, he or she will be required to attend tutoring sessions at least three days per week until passing grades are achieved. As long as the student is attending the minimum number of tutoring sessions required per week, he or she may participate in contests or performances.If the number of subjects failed during any given week reaches three, the student is automatically ineligible to participate until passing grades are achieved. In all cases where a student must attend tutoring sessions, he or she is required to attend a minimum of two days per week until passing grades are achieved or the student will be ineligible to participate in the week’s contest, performance, or activity.
NCAA Rules and Regulations
Registration Information
The NCAA strongly suggests that prospective student-athletes who plan to participate in intercollegiate athletics at an NCAA Division I or II institution use the new online registration rather than complete the paperform. To register, prospective student-athletes should access the registration materials by visiting the new NCAA Eligibility Center web site at www.eligibilitycenter.org. Students should register online no sooner than August before their senior year. Students must request transcripts from the Counseling Office. SAT and ACT scores must be sent directly from the testing center to the NCAA. The NCAA does not accept these scores from the high school transcript.
Division I Academic Eligibility Requirements
In order to be considered a “qualifier” for a Division I college, you must complete the following requirements:
- Graduate from high school
- Successfully complete a core curriculum of at least 16 academic courses in the following areas:
a. at least four years in English
b. three years in math (Algebra I or higher)
c. two years in Social Science
d. two years in Natural or Physical Science, including one laboratory science
e. one additional course in English, Math, or Natural or Physical Science
f. four additional academic courses
g. courses completed through credit-by-exam may not be used to satisfy core-course requirements. - Have a GPA and combined scores on the SAT verbal and math sections or a sum score on the
- Complete the amateurism questionnaire and request final amateurism certification. ACT based on the qualifier index scale, as seen on the www.eligibilitycenter.org website.
Division II Academic Eligibility Requirements
In order to be considered a “qualifier” of a Division II college, a student must graduate from high school and have a GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale in a successfully completed core curriculum of at least 16 academic courses (please see the list of requirements under Division I requirements). In addition, a student must have a combined score on the SAT math and verbal sections of 820 or a 68 sum score on the ACT. In order to be considered a “partial qualifier,” a student must graduate from high school and meet one of the two requirements listed above, complete the amateurism questionnaire and request final amateurism certification.
If you have specific questions involving your son or daughter, or would like more detailed information, please contact the counseling office.