Mastery Learning
- To increase student achievement
- To build proper study habits
- To engage parents in the learning process
Students will be allowed to retake summative assessments based on the following conditions:
- Students may retake an assessment only if they scored lower than 100%.
- The higher score will be the documented grade in the teacher’s grade book.
- The maximum score resulting from any retake is 100%.
- Students may retake a summative assessment only one time.
- Students may utilize up to 3 retakes per semester per class.
- Retake amounts do not carry over from one semester to the next (no banking).
- Retakes may be taken with teacher discretion of what sections of the test the student needs to retake.
- Students may be required to complete a teacher-designed retake learning plan prior to retaking a summative assessment.
- The retake assessment must be different in questions but equal in rigor. The structure of the assessment may change at the teacher’s discretion. Example: multiple-choice exam to essay or multiple-choice exam to student interview.
Time and Responsibility Factors:
- Students are required to take initiative in their learning process.
- The retake must be scheduled within 2 weeks from the day the original summative assessment was handed back to the student.
- Teachers may vary deadlines due to extenuating circumstances: student absences, schedule conflicts, inclement weather days, etc.
Please Note:
- Midterm and final exams are not available for retakes.
- Due to the compacted nature of original credit summer school courses, assigned summative assessments are not available for retakes.
- Advanced Placement (AP) and Standards courses’ summative assessments are available for retakes at the teacher’s discretion.
- Assignments such as essays, research papers, multi-step projects, labs, and other performance assessments with multiple check-ins or assignments that have segmented due dates may not be available for retakes.
- Teachers reserve the right to make changes to the retake availability on these items based on individual student needs.
View the WHS Retake Policy Google Doc