Nettrekker |
District and school reports that contain: Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) targets and results for the most recent year, the last two years, and next year’s targets; and discussion of results for parents and educators.
School Matters:
Standard & Poors
Public source of information and analysis about our nation’s public schools. School Matters provides rich information and powerful search and comparison tools to help uncover the stories behind the numbers, and further the discussion about how to improve student performance.
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also know as “The Nation’s Report Card,” is the only nationally representative and continuing assessment. of what America’s students know and can do in various subject areas. Since, 1969, assessments have been conducted periodically in reading, mathematics, science, writing, U.S. History, civics, geography, and the arts.
Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System, PVAAS is a statistical analysis system that uses longitudinal data of students’ performances on the PSSA mathematics and reading assessments. PVAAS incorporates a mixed-model longitudinal model to estimate the growth that a cohort of students experiences during a school year. In addition, PVAAS provides projections of each individual student’s likelihood to achieve a selected proficiency level on a future PSSA examination.
The Grow Network
Provides customized reports for teachers, parents, administrators, and students. Provides Web tools that offer guidance based on test results, instructional materials designed to target students’ needs, and professional development resources that build skills and enhance meaningful instruction.
Designed to provide quick, easy, and secure access to student performance results on the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA). Create your own reports in tables, graphs, or external files, at the summary or individual student level, by selecting content, statistics, aggregation levels, disaggregated groups or subgroups, and/or score variables.
Assessing to Learn: Pennsylvania Benchmark Initiative is an effort that allows the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) and its intermediate units, along with the Center for Data-Driven Reform in Education (CDDRE), to collaborate to provide 4Sight Benchmark Assessments to school districts across the Commonwealth. The PA 4Sight Benchmarks are aligned to the PSSA and provide an estimate of student performance on the PSSA as well as diagnostic subskill data to inform classroom instruction decisions and professional development efforts.