Welcome to Shiloh Hills Elementary School
- Address: 3o1 Sage Drive Sinking Spring, PA 19608
- Telephone: 610-670-0180 x1910
- Fax: 484-334-6443
Office Hours: 7:45 am – 4:15 pm
Summer Office Hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday-Thursday
Dr. Kelly Byrne, Principal
610-670-0180, Ext. 1910 byrkel@wilsonsd.org
Dr. Ed Luckey, Dean of Students
610-670-0180, Ext. 4454 lucedw@wilsonsd.org
Mrs. Greta Barbour, Secretary to the Principal
610-670-0180 ext 1910 bargre@wilsonsd.org
Mrs. Kathleen Steed, Assistant Secretary
610-670-0180 ext 1913 stekatl@wilsonsd.org
Mr. David Trout, Counselor 3-5
610-670-0180 ext 4723 trodav@wilsonsd.org
Mrs. Erin Hoffmaster, Counselor K-2
610-670-0180 ext 1171 hoferic@wilsonsd.org
Ms. Meredith Harclerode, School Psychologist
610-670-0180 ext 1100 harmer@wilsonsd.org
Mrs. Julie McDonald, Program Coordinator
Mrs. Amy Sekulski, Program Coordinator
- Please report your child’s absence by calling the office at Mrs. Steed’s extension 1913 by 9:00 am.
- If you are picking up your child early, please make sure that s/he has a note indicating the end of day change. It is helpful for the office to have end-of-day changes by 2:00 pm.