Welcome to the Cornwall Terrace Elementary School Music Program!
Hi! Welcome to Cornwall Terrace Elementary School! When you visit the Cornwall Terrace music web pages, you will see the standard of excellence we have here! Visit our Vocal Music, Band, and Orchestra pages to see what we offer. Our music program is active all year and we have a lot of fun making music!
Our staff is composed of three music teachers. The orchestra is under the direction of Mrs. Heather Campbell. The band is directed by Mr. Evan Honsel. Vocal music and chorus is instructed by Mrs. Crystal Jordan.
Campbell, Heather M.
Honsel, Evan
Jordan, Crystal
- Students will experience enrichment of life mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally through enjoying and appreciating worthwhile musical activities.
- Students have the opportunity to participate in musical activities and performances.
- Students will experience music of American culture and the use of music in American life today.
- Students will experience opportunities leading toward a nonprofessional lifetime association with music and leading toward a career in music through specialization.
- Students will be able to strengthen other areas of learning through correlated musical activities.
- Students will be able to use their own unique imagination, emotion, and energy in creating and expressing music.
- Students will value the personal satisfactions that are achieved through increased ability to interpret musical communication.
- Students will experience music associated with other countries of the world.
- Students will know the function of sound and silence in music and the many ways it has been and may be used to communicate ideas, feelings, and moods.